Esl In Ho Chi Minh City

Episode 34 - Going to the Movies



This podcast part one of a short series and will teach you some common words, expressions and American slang used to describe the movie going experience. This lesson will have 3 parts. Part one will be vocabulary; Part 2 will be a sample conversation; and Part 3 will test your understanding with several questions. Parts 4 and 5 are for ESL Disciples only. If you'd like to find out what an ESL Disciple is or get a full transcript of this episode, email me and Theresa at Part I - Vocabulary Movie Movie theater Cinema big screen go to the movies see a movie catch a flick Showtime release/release date opening night opening weekend midnight showing/release blockbuster Trailers/previews teasers opening/closing credits admission ticket booth box office ticket ticket stub concessions concession stand usher movie/projection screen movie projector projection booth matinee second run theater double feature intermission Part II - The Conversation (download podcast for