Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 490 The Surprising Truth of You: Part 3



Self-Awareness is the meta-skill of the twenty-first century. Dr. Bray has recently been studying self-awareness in the workplace and shares the latest research on how self-aware the individuals are you work with. (buckle-up some of the research is shocking!) But more importantly insight into how both internally and externally aware you are. Research shows that only about 10-15% of people are truly self-aware. The rest of us have blind spots and biases that prevent us from accurately understanding our own behavior and its impact on others. In part three of this four-part series on self-awareness, Dr. Bray discusses the cult of self and how it impedes our ability to become self-aware and have personal insights. Dr. Bray shares examples from research on the impact of social media on self-awareness and the new “cult of self-mentality.” You don’t want to miss this engaging and informative podcast. Thanks to Tash Erich’s incredible book on this subject and her extensive research. **To learn more about self-awarene