Little Bibliophile

Luke 2:1-21



Hello everyone, and welcome to “Little Bibliophile,” the podcast where I make up for my height with a whole lot of passion, passion for literature and stories. It is December – 2010 and thank you for joining me. I have been thinking lately about reading a story that was Christmas-themed, as we are coming closer and closer to the holiday. I am about to embark on a vacation with my family, so it is likely that you won't hear from me again until after Christmas. But I could not think of anything that would be perfect to read. I thought of Dickens, but that would be too obvious. I thought of Louisa May Alcott, but then I would have to read a passage out of a larger novel instead of an actual short story. But then I thought, why can't I just read the Bible? I hope none of you mind. I didn't think you would if I explained to you that this story has a lot of meaning for me not only religiously, but also in terms of literature. I think that the New Testament is beautifully written and contains some of the most poet