Pass The Relish

Shenanigans Ep13: The gang tries to make sense of all things GOP! Republicans, authenticity, sex, and why it probably doesn't matter anyways!



Hey Hey folks welcome to episode 13 of the Shenanigans podcast hosted by! This week the gang discusses all things GOP. We get into the nitty-gritty of what is feeding those big ol’ elephants… of course, we also get to Obama! Haha. Here are the topics pretty much in sequential order we touch on… • Does the GOP actually believe the stuff they say? • What three assumptions about the world do you need to believe the GOP perspective? Do not miss this! • What is the really behind Newt Gingrich's Comeback? • Mando defends the Tea Party. LOL. Seriously, he does. • Why Ron Paul is basically the most authentic politician in D.C. Zack points out a key feature of liberalism: it doesn’t work. • Mando doesn't like how sex has become the deciding factor the in the GOP primary. • Why its so damn surprising to hear Newt Gingrich sound like he was camped out at Zuccatti park for 2 months. • Why on earth can't the Republican Party find a decent candidate? There are 350 million p