Plug In Zine's Podcast

Plugin Podcast 15 with Pete Dafeet



01. What you love and what you hate in dj’s life? Hate's a strong word man! I love getting sent promos (it's a real privilege and we should never forget that), the downside is the amount of time it takes to get through them all, it's pretty much a full time job. I must only manage to get through 10%, no idea how some people get through everything! 02. What do you do in your life besides producing and dj’ing? I work part time for a marketing agency in London, using the experience gained from running Lost My Dog to help bigger, more boring brands market themselves better. 03. What’s the strangest thing happened to you during a gig? I managed to turn a CD deck off mid-track during my first ever gig... still have no idea how I managed that one. People seemed to like the breakdown though... 04. Describe your last release in three words. Music for dancing! 05. In your opinion how would electronic music change in the next 10 years? I think we'll see the same old cyclical trends, but with lots of new flavour from