Mustardseed Talks

Making Him Known (David Gore - John 17:20-26)



Jesus appears to put a high premium on unity. It is important to differentiate this from ‘unanimity’ - where every person thinks and does the same as each other. Unity is more about our heart disposition to be favourably disposed toward one another - even in our rich and profound diversity! Unity is one of the key indicators of the presence of the Kingdom of God. Any dictator can use coercive means to ensure every person toes the party line. It is a sign of the Kingdom when people, on account of their love, seek to act in a manner that is best for each other and the community as a whole. Where unity cannot be found in a group, there is little evidence that the life transforming work of God’s Spirit has taken place among them. Even if they are extremely gifted in many other ways. Unity is a touch stone precisely because it is not about you and it is not about me. It is about us… the body!