Common Censored

Episode 226 - What's Driving Maui Fires, Forcing a Pipeline Through a US Rainforest



The wildfires on Maui are the worst in US history. Here's a look at what's really driving them and a few ideas on support that isn't the god damn Red Cross (sereiously y'all, don't give money to the Red Cross). Meanwhile, the US government including Congress, Biden and even the fucking Supreme Court are all working hard to ensure that the Mountain Valley Pipeline gets shoved through one of the most biodiverse regions in the world, Appalachia. But pipeline fighters aren't taking this fight lying down - unless of course, they're locking down.  And in the midst of this, it appears that the US' plan for dealing with climate chaos is to build back better...military bases...  PLUS deforestation in the Amazon is actually decreasing, and we can't talk about war unless we talk about the petro-dollar, and MORE!