Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Renee Hagar-Smith, Mindful Strategies to Stress Less and Thrive More, Episode 312



Are you caught in the whirlwind of stress, struggling to find a moment of tranquility? Do the demands of your day-to-day leave little room for self-care and joy? Are you yearning to live a life that not only meets your responsibilities but also nourishes your spirit? I'm thrilled to introduce one of our exceptional speakers to the upcoming Extraordinary Women Ignite Conference. Meet Renee Hagar-Smith, a heart-centered mindful living and self-love coach. Renee specializes in guiding people to break free from the shackles of stress and overwhelm, allowing them to embrace a life of balance, fulfillment, and thriving well-being. Renee brings her unique insights to the forefront as she offers practical strategies to conquer overwhelm and bring equilibrium back into your life. And the exciting news is, she'll be sharing even more of her wisdom at the upcoming Ignite conference this November. If you’re ready to ignite your wildest dreams and embrace a new paradigm of success, join us at the 9th annual Extraordina