What Works | Small Business Podcast With Tara Mcmullin

EP 440: Adopting the Perennial Mindset for Work & Beyond with Mauro Guillén



Play, learn, work, retire—those are the four stages of what Mauro Guillén calls the sequential mode of life. In his new book, The Perennials: The Megatrends Creating a Postgenerational Society, he proposes a new story for moving through life. It's a story that actually reflects the facts on the ground—rather than our grandparents' idea of what life was supposed to look like. In this episode, I talk with Guillén about his research and his vision for how life, learning, and work could be different. Footnotes: The Perennials: The Megatrends Creating a Postgenerational Society by Mauro Guillén Find out more about Mauro Guillén Every episode of What Works is also published in essay form and delivered in my newsletter: whatworks.fyiWork with me: I’m teaching a 12-week training program for coaches, managers, consultants, and guides of all kinds starting in September. The program is called Work In Practice, and it’s a deep dive into the social, political, and economic systems that impact what we believe about work.L