Pushing Buttons

Episode 37 - Microsoft Galore



Pushing Buttons by ShatteredSprites.com, Episode 37 "Microsoft Galore", Michael Mickiewicz and Gerald, Recorded 5/17/14 - On this episode we have our thoughts on the Kinectless Xbox One, Xbox Live Gold no longer needed to stream, Gerald thinks the 3DS is a tablet and some Halo 5. Mike makes his weekly bad trasition from one topic to the next, this time from Resident Evil to Nintendo being sued my Philips for patent infringement. The new Far Cry has been announced and the Last of Us on PS4 rounds out the rest of the show. Enjoy and we'll see you next week. - Microsoft announces Xbox one without Kinect (IGN) - Sunsent Overdrive homepage - Xbox Live Gold no longer needed for streaming apps (TheVerge) - Halo 5 Announced (Kotaku) - Phillips sues Nintendo, looking to ban Wii U (PCMag) - Phillips patent: Virtual body control device (Google) - Phillips patent: User interface system based on pointing device (Google) - Unseen64, Super Mario Wacky Wolds(YouTube) - Far Cry 4 Announced (IGN) - Th