Elevation Church Wi

Sunday 03-10-19 - Ryan Kibbe - Throw It Off



Sunday Mar 10, 2019Message: Throw It OffSpeaker: Ryan Kibbe10:30 AMIn Mark 10, we “see” a picture of Jesus dealing with a beggar - dubbed - “blind Bartimaeus.” The facts were this: Bartimaeus was blind. Bartimaeus was a beggar. His cloak is what blind beggars wore. It’s all others could see: A beggars identity. It was a constant reinforcement of constant disappointment. Blind. Beggar. Hopeless. Until he encounters THE TRUTH..Jesus. In that one single encounter, Jesus changed those facts about Bartimaeus. This Sunday, Ryan Kibbe unpacks an age-old story with a fresh, new perspective. It’s an invitation to let the old things go..THROW IT OFF! To “see” your circumstance, your God, your identity and your destiny...clearly!