Justin Tilghman

Rethinking Evangelism



What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “evangelism?” For some people the idea of going door to door can seem like a daunting and uncomfortable activity. What if I told you evangelism can be just as natural as your daily routines. What if I said that the way you act and the way we speak in front of others can be just a powerful in sharing the Gospel as door-door evangelism? In Matthew 28, Christ called us to make disciples “as we go.” This can mean going to other countries and cultures to share the good news, but it certainly also means going across the street or into the work place to share the gospel with those we encounter on a daily basis. Today we’ll take a look at some of the main deterrents to evangelism and how some encouragement that Peter gave to his readers in the book of 1 Peter can help us as we seek to share our faith with those around us. Join me today as we rethink evangelism.