Ptm Radio

Podcast 30: Setting the Record Straight - Confronting Accusations Against Brother Branham



You're about to embark on an eye-opening exploration, a mission to uncover the truth against mounting accusations and false claims surrounding Brother Branham and his ministry. Join me as I discuss my recent mission trip to the Middle East, the insights gained, and the role it plays in understanding the context of the allegations against Brother Branham. Unfurl the mystery surrounding the Prescott Trailer Park Charge and discover the scriptural backing that proves its illogicality.Journey with me as we delve deeper into the complexities of Brother Branham's ministry. We'll unpack the various relationships he fostered within his ministry and how his teachings impacted those he served. We'll shed light on false teachings, the allegations of his involvement with Jim Jones and the KKK, and dissect Brother Branham's perspectives on delicate matters like slavery and being referred to as the Messiah. We'll also scrutinize the narrative around his association with Pentecostalism and Roy