Starseed Radio Academy

Atlantis and August Harmonic Convergence



There is a direct connection between Atlantis and August Harmonic Convergence of 1987.  At that time, a gigantic evolutionary frequency was beamed to Earth which coded Starseeds with wake up codes.  Every year since then, a kind of 'booster shot' is repeated for those not yet born in 1987, and for those who are ready for the next level of evolution.  Some of these codes may have been previously installed, but not yet activated, until a planetary alignment occurs to trigger them.  When the Sun is at galactic degree in Leo, one of those alignments occurs.  It was in 1987 that Atlantean technology, including interest in crystals, was allowed to return to the Earth, giving us another chance to use it correctly this time, in balance with spiritual wisdom.  Crystals shops began popping up, the internet as we know it was being created, and look where we are today, 35 years later. Atlantis was a Pleiadean project, and through her direct contact with them, Lavandar was shown the truth about Atlantis - their accomplis