Sabrina Speaks Sex - Sabrina Rojek

Marcus Moonie Interviews Sabrina Rojek - Sex Addict to Sex Therapist



I apologize, the first 6 minutes got cut, please watch the video version here to see entire interview. Marcus Moonie interviews Sabrina on her sexual journey. How she was raised, her beliefs about herself, being hurt and heartbroken, and becoming a sex addict. They go into detail about certain life counts and pivotal points in her sexuality. This is how you can really get to know her, where she comes from, and why she became and expressed herself in the way that she has, and how all of this culminates to her life purpose. This is just the audio, but you can also check out the video of this interview on YouTube, and is now being shared on S.EX.Y in Charlotte! Note from Sabrina: I am uploading the video version of this interview shortly to YouTube. Funny how nervous I am in posting this, but before I send it to the masses, I will share this part of myself with my friends and family…Thank you all for always being amazing, a backbone, and thank you for "seeing" me as I share