Cute Pinoy Portal

In a relationship which is important - Heart versus Mind?



Everyone probably has at least one, if not many, relationships they knew they shouldn’t have gotten into it. Your mind is most likely the culprit every time this happens. You analyze a guy you encounter and try to rationalize getting into the relationship for a variety of reasons. You may be bored, have poor options, or recovering from a disastrous relationship, and he just may be the best of the worst. Your mind could possibly be thinking a million things like, well this could be convenient, he likes me so much, or in my case, he seems all right, I guess this could work. All these things usually pertain to the great personality traits of the guy and ignore how strange or horrible he probably is, causing your brain to temporary silence your heart shouting “Don’t do it!” in the background. Logic is equally as important as remembering what your first instinct was and listening to what your heart is telling you. Yes, your mind is rational and reasonable, and it has helped you figured out so much in life, like