Pit Talk

Bad Chicks of Film Tournament - Underworld Bracket



32 Bad Chicks of film. 4 Brackets-Swordfish, Desperado, Underworld, Tomb Raider. 8 Bad Chicks of film in each bracket. Next up Underworld bracket. 1.Kate Beckenstale-Underworld vs.8.Emma Stone-Easy A 4.Alicia Keys-Smoking Aces vs.5.Anne Hathaway-Dark Night 3.Jessica Biel-Texas Chainsaw vs.6.Mila Jolivich-Resident Evil 2.Jessica Alba-Sin City vs.7.Elizabeth Hurley-Bedazzled Host-Mikey Heatrocks PIT TALK Crew-Q2, Stat Man, Mr.Lathan, Halloween 365, and Two Cheeks McGhee Producer-Mikey Heatrocks