Aisling Dream Interpretation

e337: What coming back from the dead means in a dream



On today's show, Melissa's masculine energy is resurrected to help her with the gifts she already has. Kari's lacks a sense of community due to issues with mom. Her dream promises this will be healed. To give you a glimpse into our private dream clinic, I cover two dreams I interpreted live this morning.   Register for our upcoming Free 3-Day Dream Summit here.   If you want your dream analyzed on our show, you can submit it at   And when you do submit a dream that I use on my show, you get a bonus private call with me to talk about it.   Dream: Deceased high-school friend wants to be a counsellor Melissa’s deceased friend is back alive and applies for a job as a corporation counsellor. Melissa things about applying too.   Dream: The young girl Kari is trying to find her way back to her hotel. She decides to wait in a pub but it closes. She goes to another and it closes too! Eventually a young girl helps her find it.   Show A