Hidden Truth: Las Vegas Shooter

S E18: TRANS: Discovery: Transgender Brain is Not Normal



Ivanka Savic, a neuroscientist at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and visiting UCLA professor has been studying the brains of transgender people. She found that two regions, the thalamus and putamen, were smaller in transgender women than in cisgender women. These brain regions had been shown in previous studies to mediate perception of the body. And she found that the connections between the networks mediating self and the networks mediating own body were weaker in transgender people. Does this explain transgenderism? And if so, are you born with these differences or do they develop in childhood? We go in depth with Dr. Savic seeking the answer.Become a patron here: www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshowWebsite: www.hiddentruthshow.comFacebook:  www.facebook.com/hiddentruthshowInstagram: www.instagram/hiddentruthshow.comYouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UC6LplGp0FMkS42uY5NVTOXg