Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

Healing A Brain Injury; Laura Renner



Laura Renner is a nurse turned author. Healing a brain injury is the topic of today's podcast. Laura received a brain injury in 2021, and because of this, she started thinking about her past. She discovered she had complex post-traumatic stress disorder from when she was a child. In an attempt to recover, she spent about a year and a half trying different ways to heal from her trauma. She wrote a book called “No, I'm Not Fine. Thank You.” In this book, Laura talks about how she got better from her old wounds and became strong again. Now, she spends her time learning about how to heal her body and mind from trauma, and she helps other people do the same thing. Laura first wanted to take care of babies in neonatal intensive care. However, because she had health problems, she had to focus on getting better and writing her story. In her book, she tells about her struggle with anxiety, strange health issues, and how she learned about the things that happened to her when she was younger. Laura knows a lot about dif