Jane Hamill | Podcast

Entrepreneurs with ADHD: This One's for You



"You're a Ferrari with a flat tire."  The doctor stared straight into my eyes with almost creepy iontensity as he said these exact words. This is how he let me know I was actually diagnosed with ADHD.  Hmmmmm... I'm a Ferrari. Shiny, red, and fast, With a flat tire. Hmmmmmm... That explains a lot. This episode gives you the 3 main things that help me get more done and not feel stupid.  I hope it helps.  Note: Huge shoutout to jewelry designer Trisha Flanagan who inspired this episode with her AMAZING fidget rings & morse code jewelry.  You should buy her stuff. She's amazing and so is her product. https://www.trishaflanagan.com/ Show Notes and Links:  https://fashionbrainacademy.com/adhd/