The Hamilcast: A Hamilton Podcast

#381: Morgan Anita Wood // Eliza on the And Peggy Tour // Part One



Morgan Anita Wood is currently playing Eliza on the And Peggy Tour, and has been with Hamilton since 2018 when she started playing Woman 5. Morgan grew up in Indiana and was performing as young as three years old. She always had the passion for and the clarity about what she wanted to do at a very young age. She came from a family of creatives, performers, and what she calls "artistic minded people." Her determination led her to an internship at Telsey, one of the leading casting offices in the country and the office that casts Hamilton. There's an excellent chance they cast your favorite musical/play/movie/TV show/commercial/the list goes on. Morgan learned about the business as she crossed paths with people like Lin-Manuel Miranda and Jonathan Groff and after months behind the scenes, she was confident and ready when her audition (at Telsey!) finally came. From that internship to ending up in the hospital the night of her Hamilton Puerto Rico debut, Morgan takes us on quite a journey. Morgan Anita Wood on I