Liquid Church

The Real World Is Hard | At The Movies Part 3



This message features short clips from the critically acclaimed film Barbie, which was released in theaters in 2023 by Warner Bros. Pictures. No copyright is claimed for Barbie, and we assert that use of the short clips within this sermon is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright law. Liquid Church is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, specifically, a non-denominational Christian Church, and the purpose of using this media is non commercial in nature. The basic plot of “Barbie'' is simple: Life exists in two parallel universes, Barbie Land and the Real World. Barbie Land is full of harmony, it’s fun, and it’s immaculately designed. Then there’s the Real World, which is rife with duplicity, resentment, sexism, and corporate greed. Barbie’s story is a nod back to Adam and Eve, who live in paradise before disobeying God and eating the forbidden apple. Adam and Eve unleashed sin and we’re still living that reality today! But, here’s the good news. Though Adam and Eve must leave paradise,