Spirit Girls With Jessica Reid

EP 209 : Conscious Conception With Rachel Simpson From Fertility Co.



Hey Spirit Girls! If you've been enjoying / relating to me sharing about my conscious conception journey, Or may be planning on consciously conceiving in the foreseeable future, I've brought an expert onto the show to help us understand our natural fertility...In previous episodes I've shared a lot about the spiritual / mental / emotional aspect that I've been alchemising, Talking about Spirit Babies etc. So for this show I wanted to bring in the balance of what we can do to consciously conceive at the physical level!With Natural Fertility Educator Rachel Simpson from Fertility Co, Who shares with us the key factors of understanding our cycles, How to know when we are ovulating (our window of opportunity) and the foundational areas of health that we can be focusing on - Without going down a rabbit hole of so many supplements and things to think about.If you'd like to hear more from Rachel, You can listen to her podcast Fertility Co + Follow her on instagram,Or as mentioned you can access her 'Conceive With Co