Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 150: Maria Mason - Missional Community: The Kingdom Economy and Finance - 20 August 2023



In our new series, we dive into messages and conversations on how to be a missional community. For us to grow and prosper, both individually and corporately, God wants to resource us with His Kingdom economy. Many people have come to believe that it will all happen supernaturally, and God will foot the bill for revival. That is true on one level, but on another level, we are instructed to employ money to grow the Kingdom through entrepreneurial means and through Kingdom wealth. God has an economy, and we get in on it by participating in His strategies for Kingdom wealth! In the scriptures, we see 4 key principles to step into the Kingdom's economy and financial blessings!  Stand firm in a good God who provides for what He orders. And who desires to give us the desires of our hearts to see the Kingdom grow. Immerse yourself in Biblical truth and proclaim His goodness. Give, and it shall be given. The 2nd principle is the principle of giving out of our income regardless of what has come in! We covered 5 ways to