Master Leadership

ML302: David Latten (Leader at Logitech)



David Latten is the Head of Global Indirect Procurement and Supplier Diversity & Equality at Logitech. Lean in as he discusses what he's passionate about, his niche: As of today, despite all our best supplier diversity efforts, only 6.1% of the total US corporate spending goes to Black, women and other under-represented suppliers. The other 94% of corporate spend represents a vast untapped opportunity to positively impact equality. Most of this 94% of non-diverse spend is with very large suppliers. These large, non-diverse organizations employ millions of people across many countries and accrue trillions of revenue each year. These influential companies have the power to shape a gender fair future and in turn we have the power to influence them. We will not achieve gender equality without these large organizations taking a stand. Logitech along with Gender Fair co-founded The Coalition For Gender Fair Procurement with the simple aim of leveraging the multi-trillion dollar spending power of corpora