Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Cheryl Burget, Elevating Your Sales Genius in Your Business, Episode 313



Today, I’m excited to introduce you to Cheryl Burget, the CEO of Your Sales Genius, and she is teaching entrepreneurs how to lead with Service in making SALES. After spending 18 years climbing the “corporate ladder” In the competitive financial world, Cheryl thought she had achieved success, selling $168 million in investment strategies until one day all of that changed. No longer aligned with old-school sales tactics, Cheryl set out on a mission to help service-based entrepreneurs put sales at the front of their business with service being the focal point of every conversation. She defines sales as an acronym meaning Serving, Anyone, Lovingly, Effectively and Successfully. Her passion is to support entrepreneurs to embrace sales so that they can own, thrive and succeed in their business. The world of small business is changing. If you want to step into a new paradigm of business and leadership, join us at the 9th Extraordinary Women Ignite Conference on November 2-4. Cheryl will be one of our guest speakers