Happy Hour with Gretchen Geraghty

When You Lose A Parent



I've wanted to talk about losing my Dad in a podcast episode for a while now but I didn't know how and I didn't feel ready. I realized I don't think I'm ever really ready to talk about him, how much he meant to me, and how badly I miss him. But the reason I pushed myself to make this episode is because I know how many of you have dealt with loss and I just want to help in any way I can. I'm sure you can understand why this episode is all over the place and emotional, so bare with me. I talk about the moments leading up to losing my Dad and the moments right after. I touch on grieving, but I definitely want to make an entire other episode for that as well. I talk about signs he's sent me from heaven and things that make me feel better and how I cope. I wish so much health and happiness upon you your family, and friends, but if you find yourself in a situation with loss I hope this can help you. Lastly, I love you all and I hope you're staying safe and healthy right now. Be sure to check out my YouTube channel