The Kibbe And Finnegan Show

K&F Show #271: Guitar Hero with Car Horns; Dukes Review S1E9 “Limo One is Missing”



Presented by Holley! Phase 3 of Kibbe and Friends is officially here, and Holley is back for more fun, foolishness, and flying orange Chargers! BIG NEWS: The fall events at Holley are just around the corner and Holley MOPARTY is less than 60 days away. We'll be there and you should be too! We are ONCE AGAIN the media partner for the General Lee jump, too! Visit this website RIGHT NOW to get details and tickets: We will see you there! K&F Show Summary: Finally - the political Dukes episode we’ve been waiting for! Kinda. If there was an episode that could combine Nathan Warren with Ben Jones portraying Cooter, this would be it. Cooter - with God’s blessed skills - steals President Jimmy Carter’s car.Bo and Luke get him out of it, but not before using their smoking hot cousin to position herself as a faux-prostitute to distract the bad guys. Who are the bad guys in this one you ask? Boss Hogg - who has a car theft and chop shop ring. And Boss thinks his guys stole the car and wants it r