Bits Per Second

BITS PER SECOND: #LoveYourEnemies



Jim, Karl, JT, and departing musician Drew try to count the number of Bruins jerseys Karl has bought and discuss other purchases we've regretted over the years. We also wrap up the summer season and talk about weird shows we'd like to produce soon, our first theater experiences, our first R-rated movies, Weird Al, Andy Dick's football comedy, and very current celebrities such as Chris Hansen and Sarah Palin. Come see Drew perform his last two shows this weekend! Friday 8/25 and Saturday 8/26 at 8pm. Will he go to Connecticut to retrieve his talkbox? Bits Per Second is the official podcast of The Bit Players, who perform improv every Friday and Saturday night at 8pm at the Firehouse Theater in Newport, RI. Come see our Family Friendly Funnies show on Wed. 8/30 at 7pm! TICKETS! Opening and closing music is "Apathy" by Dorisduke, the band that is 3/4 current and former Bit Players. Buy their music here: