Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard Podcast - ep015



Episode 15: Gary and Gene start off by discussing just what has been taking them so long to get a new podcast episode up! Then, Gary talks about just having returned from Hawaii, one of his favorite locations on Earth. Upon his return to California, Gary spoke at the Agape center alongside noted author and spiritual leader Michael Beckwith; Gary uses this as a springboard to discuss the metaphysics of the Course as compared to the now popular "law of attraction". Speaking of Southern California, Gary has just made the cover of LA's "The Learning Annex!" And Gary also talks about his trip to New York a short while back, where he appeared on the TV show, "New Realities"; he discusses as well, other TV opportunities he's investigating in L.A. Gary then discusses in some depth - for the first time in a podcast - his recent divorce, and how that experience is reflected both in the form of love as the Course defines it (and which is focused on in Gary's upcoming third book), as well