Divine Naples Podcast

#425 – Matt has tadpoles in his baby pool and he uses them to get his pedicure done. Rich looked after him when he tried to date an Easter European. Now he is back in the Columbian market. Rich had a huge competition in his class 30 boys and only one girl



Rich will teach Matt pick up lines that he learned in first grade. Matt is too selective and he carries a bullhorn in case he needs to publicly announce that he is single. This is his last option. They told us to get ready so Matt went to Walmart and got himself a couple of cases of Chef Boyardee ravioli and canned tuna. He offered some to Rich but Rich does not eat cat food. Matt has a 4 weeks supply of toilet paper and that’s the sign he is watching too much of Jim Cantore on the weather channel. Rich’s dad used a pine tree branch on Rich instead of toilet paper so he is not nervous about a toilet paper shortage. Boys introduced two important books and two writers that write for kids. Price is right, birds, raccoons, popsicles, cherries full of lead, bullet proof vest, sparks were flying and it does not get any better than that. You will need pharmacist on the end of this show. Luckily we have one on stand by. If you have an announcement to make or something special to share send details to info@divinena