Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep2100: Homiletics | What is it? Why should I care? | AIMUK&I | Malcolm Cox



The link you need is: Email: Homiletics You might well ask, “What on earth is homiletics, and why does it matter?” Homiletics comes from a Greek word meaning to converse, or talk with someone. In the Christian context, it refers to preparing and presenting God’s Word to other people. “Ah, you mean sermons.” Well, it includes sermons, but much more. Whenever we talk about the Scriptures with fellow humans we are being homiletical. All of us do this in different ways, including welcoming people to a church service, sharing thoughts about the Lord's supper, preaching a sermon or teaching a lesson, doing a family devotional, teaching the children in children's ministry, doing a class for the youth ministry, and so on.  Knowing how to prepare well and how to present well are vital to healthy growth. Paul tells Timothy to, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the wor