Kathy's Kids Storytime

Moses and the Burning Bush



Bible Text:Moses was shepherding the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. He led the flock to the west end of the wilderness and came to the mountain of God, Horeb. The angel of God appeared to him in flames of fire blazing out of the middle of a bush. He looked. The bush was blazing away but it didn’t burn up.Exodus 3 (MSG)If you’re interested in any other books published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, please visit adventistbookcenter.com or call 1-800-765-6955.Visit our website: www.kathyskidsstorytime.org We'd love to hear from you. Write to us at:Kathy@kathyskidsstorytime.orgorKathy’s Kids StorytimePO Box 44270Charlotte, NC 28215-0043Special Thanks:Recorded by: Kathy Russell, Children's Ministry Director Edited by: Communication Department