Gracelife Sarasota

Baptism Sunday @GraceLifeSarasota



In the aftermath of Jesus's resurrection, Jews worldwide converged to celebrate Shavuot, commemorating the Torah's reception at Mount Sinai. This pilgrimage, marked by diverse languages and a united purpose, connected devotees with their hometown rabbi. He guided them through a cleansing ritual before Temple worship. The day the Holy Spirit descended, the Apostles spoke in foreign tongues, addressing a crowd with awe and skepticism. Peter seized the opportunity in this moment, recounting Jesus's life, miracles, and resurrection. Prompted by the Spirit, he urged the travelers to embrace Jesus as Messiah. Peter's sermon led 3,000 to publicly affirm their faith, undergoing baptism in Jesus's name—a declaration of resurrection belief. Today at GraceLife we have people who came to us from different places, declaring that Jesus is their rabbi and have chosen to be baptized in the name of their rabbi Jesus, the same way the travelers in Acts 2 did.