

Dr. Bray has been following a Harvard longitudinal study for over three decades. He considers it one of his favorite studies of all time. (Yes, researchers have favorite studies.). Recently a book on the Harvard study was written by the director and associate director called, "The Good Life: Lessons from the World's Longest Scientific Study of Happiness.” To honor this incredible study, Dr. Bray delves into the fascinating journey of the Harvard Study, a groundbreaking research project that spans over eight decades. The study aimed to uncover the key factors contributing to human happiness and fulfillment. Through the lens of this remarkable longitudinal research, the study explores the lives of hundreds of participants, offering deep insights into the complex interplay of personal relationships, career choices, and overall well-being. It is a captivating voyage through the lives of these individuals, discovering the profound impact of love, compassion, and meaningful connections on one's pursuit of happiness