Liquid Church

Where Will You Put Your Trust? | At The Movies Part 4



This message features short clips from the critically acclaimed film Oppenheimer, which was released in theaters in 2023 by Universal. No copyright is claimed for Oppenheimer, and we assert that use of the short clips within this sermon is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright law. Liquid Church is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, specifically, a non-denominational Christian Church, and the purpose of using this media is non commercial in nature. We’re all seeking a way to control the world around us… and we see this theme throughout the Summer blockbuster hit, Oppenheimer. The movie Oppenheimer explores the messy inner depths of humanity as they face the threat of global annihilation. It’s a dark, messy, existential biopic following the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, played by Cillian Murphy. Oppenheimer was a theoretical physicist known as the father of the atomic bomb. He was the director of the top-secret Manhattan project that produced the world’s first atomic bombs that would be dro