Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Green's tax policy is barely worth the paper it's written on



It must be election year because the signature polices are coming out to play. The latest is the Greens wishlist policy of more taxes on more stuff and income owned by well off people. Which, in my opinion, is barely worth the paper it's written on. Three reasons: first of all, as James Shaw told Mike this morning it's not a bottom line policy for coalition formation. And Labour is not politically stupid, well. They might be, but they’re not that stupid, and they know this will not aid them forming a government. I mean, this thing isn’t happening. This is virtue signalling; this is them saying “this is what we would do if we could, but we can’t, so we probably won’t.” Secondly the policy is a radical and revolutionary change to the very foundations of New Zealand’s economy and people's economic planning. And New Zealand is no longer a place where revolutions happen. We're cautious and afraid of change and like turkeys we don't vote for Christmas. So why should any ambitious generation vote against a system th