Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Why did so many mainstream outlets miss the point of the coronation?



So why are so many mainstream media outlets so poor at telling the news? I say this after tuning into One News coverage of the coronation only to blunder into a 5 minute piece about Harry, followed by how to cook coronation quiche. Maybe they thought they were being entertaining, but instead they came off as infantile. So I tuned over to BBC World. There, they were talking about the King’s involvement in the arts and they followed it with more details about the ceremony. The story was about the King and his country, not his errant son. In fact, Harry arrived on a commercial flight, gave no interviews, joined the rest of the family, sat with other retired or non working royals (which is what he is), and afterwards he went to the airport to go home to see his own family. No fights, no showdowns, no dramas. Yet the Mirror alone, over the week ran 100 articles about Harry, mostly derogatory. People have described the onslaught as 'hate for hire'. Even when Mike Hosking wrote 1000 words about the Coronation for th