Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: King Charles makes a useful sideshow from the drudgery of everyday life



In less than a week, King Charles the Third will be crowned, sealed and delivered. Officially invested as the new King of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth and our official head of state. What a thing. In 2023. Which has led to a number of protests and general grumbling about the anachronism of the monarchy. Then to make things worse Charles wants us all to stand up and say this in the middle of the ceremony.  “I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God” That’s not going down well with some saying Swear At the King rather than Swear For the King. But that’s not enough for me to go off the whole palava. I think it’s a marvellous folly. A useful sideshow from the drudgery of everyday life. A bit of fun with a handy side serving of pragmatism and finance. Firstly why should the UK persevere with the monarchy? Well, it’s a real money-spinner. A recent study found the British people paid 100 million pounds in costs to keep royalt