Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Posie Parker's visit and the fallout played out exactly as predicted



Welcome to the new world of performative politics and the battle of the outraged. Though it's not a new world, but the same old world now amplified by social media and our move away from the written and spoken word and into pictures on screens. The visit of Posie Parker went exactly as anyone could predict over the weekend and the fallout is just as predictable. All sides played their part in this passionless play. All feeding on each other for validation. All throwing out vast generalisations. It all started with with the calls to ban her entry. Free speech crusaders railed against it. Trans activists bellowed for it.  Ignoring the fact that entry could only de denied on criminal record. Posie Parker is many things but she's never been a criminal. But the drama acted out broadcast by media entities both professional and social who only report what's right before their eyes Posie Parker is nothing without opposition and we'd all be ignorant of her stance if opponents hadn't highlighted it. She claimed to be r