Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: It's making for a great election



Happy New Year. It's nice to be back after a long summer break during a summer that was both brilliant and awful. When it was beautiful it was very beautiful and when it was horrible it was appalling. The East Coast mutilated not just by the elements but by the slash washed down from the hills. This is not the first time this has happened by any stretch and it has to stop.  The industry is well aware of the risk.  Like any industry you need to be able to clean up after you. And now the new year welcomes a new Prime Minister. Firstly, the resignation of Jacinda Ardern saw the most incredible outbreak of Jacinda Derangement Syndrome I've ever seen. Fans and acolytes from the left were left wailing and despairing. Truly bereft. Grown men crying. Meanwhile champagne corks were popping in the Koru Lounge, rural pubs filled up and the right wingers felt that all their troubles were over. All of which was a wild over exaggeration of Jacinda Ardern and her acheivements and abilities. For the past 5 years I've been sa