Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: 3 parties and 3 waffly bits of policy which all miss their mark



Well, here it comes. A budget and an election. The season of politicians treating us like idiots and believing they can bribe us into their camp. Labour has released details of police and crime funding that will be announced formally in the budget on May 19. It's a 562-million-dollar package which always sounds impressive. But as always, it's spread over 4 years. In fact, when you look at the numbers and think of the current rate of inflation and cost escalation the whole thing is barely treading water. The headlines are about helping businesses through this ram raid epidemic. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no detail of this help because it doesn't exist yet. How stupid do they think we are. It's an example of a political party trying to shoehorn its existing policy into the news cycle of the day. It's just the same as National swearing black and blue that its intentions to cut tax are to help people through an increase in cost of living while knowing full well that a tax cut is even more inflationary tha