Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: National is absent ahead of 2021 Budget



Well, I have little to say about Judith Collins and the Nats low polling in the Newshub poll, other than to say Judith Collins is once again wearing too much of the blame.The National Party is "Absent Without Leave" with a few exceptions like Nicola Willis and Shane Reti.For example today we had a piece in the paper from National's Finance spokesperson. Can you name him? Andrew Bayly. SurpriseNational's schtick is to have a finance monster. Read Richardson, Birch, English, Joyce. True number 2s. Andrew Bayly is very good but he's no English.So welcome to Budget week and the question on everyone's lips is what will happen on Thursday.After the Australian budget last week, the Labour Party were quick to jump on the Aussies slogan.Treasurer Frydenberg called it the Recovery Budget and now our Government has said that's what they want to do as well.But can we afford to do what the Aussies have done?In a word No. The Australian economy is a strange and unique beast. It's built on iron ore and mineral prices to an