Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Government's travel bubble caution is toxic to their popularity



It’s D-day for bubbles.  Is it really?  Or will it be a day where there is an announcement about a future announcement as is the Governments favoured method of operation? If they offer not one concrete proposal or date or destination there will be considerable anger amongst the tourism industry and opponents of the government at large.  This bubble debate has been annoying as it seems to have been going on forever - which it has.  Weeks after we first emerged from lockdown, there were people advocating for an opening of our borders.  With 20/20 hindsight we realise now how misguided those calls were. In June and July last year we had no idea about just how widespread and rampant the pandemic was going to be.But the calls were understandable because the impacts on the tourism, hospitality and educational sectors have been so dramatic and specific.  Since then the issue has raised it’s head each month, only to be submerged under another break out of infection, governmental pussy footing or a political power pla