Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: We've come too far in Covid response to deal with bad reckons



Firstly today my respects to Christchurch.  10 long years. I was at the first memorial in March of 2011, one month after the event.  Prince William was there and spoke.  He told tens of thousands of Cantabrians this: "My grandmother once said, that grief is the price we pay for love. Here today, we love and we grieve." I saw a young lad who had lost his Mum uncontrollably sobbing.   Towards the end of the service we looked towards the Port Hills and saw hundreds of first responders who walked right across Hagley Park to join us and they were given a standing ovation. It was a blue sky day and a kite was in the air saying “Rise Up Christchurch”. I’m sure all these sentiments will be present today.  10 years is no time at all really. But today will also see the Australian cricket side play against the Blackcaps in Hagley Park. Our best venue that was born out of the quake which also shows you how far we’ve come. On the Covid front we have a possible change from Level 2 to 1 for Auckland.  I think this is on the