Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Public servants, not government, are letting the team of 5 million down



I want to talk about governance.Governance is defined in the dictionary is the way rules, norms and actions are structured, sustained , regulated and held accountable. It’s the job of governments in public life and board in corporate life. But I view governance differently.To me, governance is the trick of actually doing something, actually achieving something and actually running something for the greater good.  You know, governing.I’ve been moved to talk about governance because of continuing failures in this nation and overseas by the people who are charged with it. In reality, Governance is not what governments do.  Politicians can’t run a thing.  Sure, they make decisions and plot directions but they then hand the job over to a workforce who are supposed to be professionals at getting stuff done. The professionals at governance. When Phil Twyford said the last government would build 100,000 houses he made an enormous blunder.  But part of that blunder was the inability of the public servants in his charg