Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andew Dickens: Why Labour should give Trevor Mallard the boot



Mallard, Bubbles and how good are those Black Caps. They seem to be our current pre-occupations. Let me deal with the dead duck walking, Speaker Trevor Mallard. The calls for him to resign or be sacked have been almost universal. They will be universally ignored because Labour controls the House. Not just controls. Dominates. There is no need for them to spill their own blood on the floor and in the scheme of things a third of a million is chicken feed compared to the welfarism they continue to fund.  For instance yesterday over $170 million was pledged to keep air freight moving. But here’s why I think Labour should give a damn about the Speaker and give him the boot. In all the debate thus far we’ve heard about 2 men. One who accused the other of being a rapist who in turn claimed he was defamed. But what about the woman who raised concerns in the first place. The woman whose case was described so glibly by the Speaker that resulted in the stalemate we’ve reached. Her concerns appear to have been buriedThe