Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Our Covid response needs to be judged on a global scale



Everything is relative, said Einstein. Nothing can be measured and assessed if we don’t have a focal point where everything can be measured and assessed on. Apples can only be measured against apples and oranges against oranges. It something that you should bear in mind when assessing our response to Covid. If you look at New Zealand in isolation then it is fair to say the actions of the Government have been a dreadful burden for the country to bear. And in doing a series of lockdowns, we have caused unprecedented economic damage. But to put to assess it correctly you need to look at it relatively. First thing to do is look at it with a time scale.  This is an evolving situation stemming from a single time point in late March.  Every day that goes past alters the relative effect of the actions.  Every day that we have Covid free is a day that improves the outcomes and its relative effectiveness. In the early days of the Covid battle, much was made of the countries with more lenient lockdowns and measures and