Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Ports of Auckland can't blame Covid for their failings



The Auckland Council is warning that they’re going to be in financial doo-doo because of Covid for at least four years.   There are rumours of dramatically increased water charges and rates amidst a reduction of services. Auckland is not alone.  Wellington is talking about rate rises of 23 per cent. It’s not good. There’s a billion dollar hole in Auckland’s finances.   One of the reasons is that 60 per cent of the council’s revenue comes from Auckland Airport and City Events.  That’s gone. Blame has also gone onto declining dividends from the Ports of Auckland.  But can we blame Covid for that?  I don’t think so. There are now supply chain warning all over the place in the New Zealand economy.  My chemist has run out of my aftershave and says there is no sign of new supplies.  There’s a 16 week wait for wallpaper to arrive. There are warnings that Christmas orders will never appear. Covid is being blamed for the situation at our number one import port in Auckland.  But how come imports are being transferred t